Common Questions Regarding Faith

Faith is a deeply personal and often complex aspect of human existence. It's a topic that has ignited countless discussions, debates, and journeys throughout history. Whether you're a steadfast believer, a curious seeker, or someone who simply wonders about the role of faith in our lives, you're in the right place.

Jacqueline Alexander Jacqueline Alexander

Comfort is Not the Same as Peace

Comfort is not the same as peace. Comfort is fleeting and relies on the external, while peace is eternal and relational. Let me explain.

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Jacqueline Alexander Jacqueline Alexander

How to reject apathy

We naturally gravitate away from what is uncomfortable. It takes an effort to engage in new ways. But Jesus did not take the easy way out and neither should we.

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Jacqueline Alexander Jacqueline Alexander

Is Centerpoint non-denominational & what does that mean?

Centerpoint Church is tearing down every unnecessary barrier. Nothing should stand in the way of hearing about Jesus. We see denominations as one of those barriers. Over time denominations can put up hoops to jump through on how to become a part of the community.  Rules develop that are less scripture based and hold more of a “how to get into the country club” vibe.

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Jacqueline Alexander Jacqueline Alexander

Why joy is the hard choice

Joy happens in spite of suffering. It is an act of resistance against despair and a display of trust in God. See, joy is about connecting with something beyond ourselves. Like love, it points the focus away from selfish desires.

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Jacqueline Alexander Jacqueline Alexander

God doesn't care about your comfort, and neither should you

What happens when we feel the Holy Spirit prodding us to go somewhere we’ve never been? Do something we’ve never done?

Here's the thing. When we learn to sit in discomfort, we start to change. We start to see God working. God can do some extraordinary things if we would just step out of our comfort zones.

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Jacqueline Alexander Jacqueline Alexander

Finding Jesus in the midst of fear and uncertainty

As Christians comfort should be about making the hurting comfortable, not ourselves. Often when we are placed in situations that make us uncomfortable, we can be known to throw scripture or sayings we think are scripture, but aren't, at others.

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Jacqueline Alexander Jacqueline Alexander

Winning the battle against self-doubt

You are a child of God, lavishly loved and an heir to the Kingdom. You have resurrection power in your veins. It’s time to live like it.  

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