How to reject apathy

Reject apathy by opening your eyes, stepping out of your comfort zone, and into your calling to serve others.

Meaning of apathy

According to Webster apathy means a lack of feeling or emotion, a lack of interest or concern. Basically, to be apathetic means you don't care.

Apathy is an easy state to fall into, but it is deadly to our faith. We convince ourselves that turning off the news and looking the other way solves our problems. But this is just not true. The ability to turn our eyes away from pain is a privilege, and it is a privilege, as Christians, we have to forgo.

Step out of your comfort zone

We naturally gravitate away from what is uncomfortable. It takes an effort to engage in new ways. But Jesus did not take the easy way out and neither should we.

Jesus spoke up for the weak, the marginalized, the outcast and for us. We must do the same.

I want to challenge you to go through your day and take a close look at your routine and conversations. Listen for the moments that make you uncomfortable. Search them out.

Start embracing the feels

Don't run from your emotions. If something or someone pulls on your heartstrings, listen to that pull. The world is full of problems, but we don't have to become overwhelmed. As we grow aware, we become wiser and learn how to better care for the world and the people who live here.

Focus on hope

You alone can not save the world. That is not your calling. Yet, we can each do small things throughout every day that heals our world rather than destroys.

Listen closely

Listen to those who are hurting. Really hear their story and ask what they need. Perhaps all they need is your ear. Maybe they need your help. Never assume. Be clear and ask.

Apathy kills faith, numbing us to the needs of others. It shuts us off from hearing that gentle nudging from God telling us when to act. By practicing your listening skills, you'll be more open to that nudge and more likely to be in the right place at the right time.

Make your circle bigger

Jesus did not come to earth to hole up in the synagogue and speak with those who already knew him. Instead, he went out into the world and met people where they were.

Don't make your circle exclusive. Be intentional about meeting people who look different, believe different and live differently. The goal isn't to shape them into a mini version of you. You might be surprised how much Jesus chooses to minister to you through them. You aren't the only one he is working through. You, my friend, as do I, still have a long way to go ourselves. God isn't done with us yet.

Together let’s work on rejecting apathy and embracing Jesus’ call to serve others.


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