Is Centerpoint non-denominational & what does that mean?

Centerpoint is a non-denominational church in the Brandon Valrico area that is doing things differently.

Yeah right. I hear you. “Non-denominational churches are just Baptist churches in disguise.” If you’ve been part of the evangelical church for any amount of time, chances are you’ve heard this joke. Or how about the one “non-denominational churches are Baptist who like to drink.”

So where does that leave Centerpoint, a non-denominational church claiming to be an alternative to church as usual?  Are we Baptists in disguise? Tattooed hipsters, who like our music and comfortable millennial safe spaces? Or are we something more?

Something more

Centerpoint Church is tearing down every unnecessary barrier. Nothing should stand in the way of hearing about Jesus. We see denominations as one of those barriers. Over time denominations can put up hoops to jump through on how to become a part of the community.  Rules develop that are less scripture-based and hold more of a “how to get into the country club” vibe.

Everyone at Centerpoint is welcome. There is no age requirement. Tattooed hipsters are as welcome as grandma. Sexual orientation, belief in God, marital status, or musical talent are not pre-requisites.

You are safe with us, exactly as you are.

What does non-denominational mean

Non-denominational is an adjective. It means open or acceptable to people of any Christian denomination. Stick the word in front of church, and it becomes a place of worship, a community accessible to anyone.

When we strip away denomination, we are taking away years of built-up historical bias. The church as a whole has molded Jesus to fit a set of rules. Jesus broke through cultural barriers and religious rules of his own time, and he is doing the same today.

Who we are

Centerpoint is a diverse gathering of real people who believe in Jesus. We want to see our city changed by his love. Come join us and see for yourself. You don't have to buy into everything we say, that's the beauty of our non-denominational church. Whether you are a Jesus follower, atheist, agnostic or skeptic, we've designed a place for you to ask hard questions of the Christian faith safely.

Join us this Sunday for one of our two services in Brandon or livestream from the comfort of your own home. Before you come, feel free to take a look at previous messages. See for yourself if we hold true to who we claim to be.


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