Three podcasts you should be listening to right now

Good podcasts will stick with you. They get you thinking and open up the possibilities of how you engage with the world.

Much like our human desire to binge-watch Netflix, a great podcast will capture us. Are you driving to work? Podcast. Saturday chores? Podcast. Working out? Podcast. Annoying the kids? Podcast. Breathing? Podcast. It’s the talk radio shows our parents listened to while driving us around - but relevant and interesting. Oh, and convenient.

If you feel like you need an extra little push out of your comfort zone, give one of these three a try:

Unfiltered Radio

Unfiltered Radio is a movement on a mission, in our city and our world. The show seeks to amplify the name of Jesus and to lead people to experience the love and grace he offers.

We’ve gotten Jesus wrong. He’s been misunderstood and misinterpreted and his message hijacked by followers and skeptics alike. The bias of church history, politics, religious movements, and personal agendas lay claim to his life and mission.

This podcast will have you taking a new look at Jesus. We all have filters we approach Christ with. What does he look like when we strip those away?  


Relevant Podcast is a production of Relevant Magazine. It explores the intersection of faith and pop culture. Every Friday introduces listeners to artists, authors, pastors, and other influential creatives.

This podcast delivers poignant, sometimes random, and always life-changing perspectives on culture and faith. Warning. Once you start listening you’ll want to catch up on all the ones you’ve missed.

You Have Permission

Dan Koch is the host of the new podcast called You Have Permission. He describes his faith journey as complicated. He seeks to engage anyone with questions about God, science, faith, politics, culture, and more.

This podcast gives permission to take both Christianity and the modern world seriously. The show introduces listeners to a plethora of experiences and vantage points.

A resource for Christians on the right and left, skeptics, and those who are non-religious. You Have Permission is for anyone who wants to explore the questions faith presents. It’s addictive. It’s relevant. You may just get hooked on the episode To Think Theologically About Aliens.

Try all three podcasts and come back to tell us what you thought. Tag @CenterpointFL on Twitter and let us know if there are any podcasts you’d add to this list.


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