Common Questions Regarding Faith
Faith is a deeply personal and often complex aspect of human existence. It's a topic that has ignited countless discussions, debates, and journeys throughout history. Whether you're a steadfast believer, a curious seeker, or someone who simply wonders about the role of faith in our lives, you're in the right place.
Why is it so hard to pray?
Find yourself often wondering why it's so hard to pray? The problem might not be prayer itself but your understanding of it.
It’s time to end racial violence once and for all
Racial violence in the United States has claimed too many lives and affects so many more. It's time to start putting an end to racial violence.
Getting ready for life after COVID-19
As the COVID-19 pandemic looks to be closer to the end than the beginning, you should consider what life after COVID-19 may look like.
What does it mean to love your neighbor as yourself?
Want to follow Jesus' command to love your neighbor as yourself? Learn more about what this means and how you can do it.
Why we need to welcome homosexuality in the church
Many Americans have a problem with homosexuality in the church. It's time for us to overcome this stigma and open church doors to more people.
Important reminder: Christianity is not the white man’s religion
Many American Christians treat Christianity like it is a white religion, but it is supposed to be a faith for all people around the world.
There is absolutely a case for women in church leadership
Some people argue that women should not be in church leadership. We need to move on from this outdated and unbiblical belief and let more women lead.
Why we need to be chasing God, not just following
God not only wants us to follow Him, He wants us to chase Him. Here is what you need to know about chasing God versus following Him.
Why does God hate me? (Hint: He doesn’t)
Find yourself asking, "Why does God hate me?" It's sadly a common question. However, the truth is, He doesn't. He wants only good for you.
Five examples of famous black Christians in history
The church needs to take a moment and learn more about famous black Christians in history who made big impacts on the church and the United States.
What is the original meaning of “Easter”?
There is more to Easter than painting eggs and eating lots of candy. Join us as we explore the original meaning of Easter.
What should I give up for Lent?
Lent is a time of year which many Christians remember the resurrection of Jesus by giving something up for 40 days. Here are some ideas of what to give up.
We need to stop singing songs with bad theology in church
Worship is many people’s favorite part of church, but there are some songs with bad theology we need to remove from our set lists.
Why you should think about making God a part of your life in this busy, busy world
Life will return to normal soon once everyone has had their vaccinations, but there is still something missing from many people’s lives: a relationship with God.
Focusing on the here and now instead of the distant and later
Many of us these days have an issue with focusing more on our phones than on other people around us. It's time to start focusing on the here and now.
Defining a new normal in the post-COVID era
With the COVID-19 vaccine around the corner, it feels like life is about to return to normal. But we think there should be some changes to what is normal.
Embracing the value of vulnerability in the modern world
Being vulnerable is an important part of building meaningful connections with other people. We all need to practice being more vulnerable instead of prideful.
Who are the modern tax collectors whom Jesus would seek out?
In the Bible, the tax collectors were outcasts whom Jesus spent time with. Ask yourself, who are today's tax collectors whom we should be loving?
Is there really a war on Christmas?
Every year in December, someone brings up the war on Christmas. But is this actually a thing? We don't think so.
Money and mental health during the holidays
Money has always been one of the biggest areas of stress in people’s lives, but it can be much more stressful during the holidays.