Common Questions Regarding Faith
Faith is a deeply personal and often complex aspect of human existence. It's a topic that has ignited countless discussions, debates, and journeys throughout history. Whether you're a steadfast believer, a curious seeker, or someone who simply wonders about the role of faith in our lives, you're in the right place.
From Overwhelmed to Empowered: A Wise Approach to Your Finances
Feeling overwhelmed by your finances and unsure where to start? You’re not alone—money can feel like a constant source of stress, but with a little wisdom, you can take control and find freedom. Discover practical steps, biblical insights, and a fresh perspective on managing your money wisely!
The Gift of Opportunity: Making the Most of What You've Been Given
Have you ever been given a gift you weren’t sure how to use? Opportunities in life can feel the same way—seen but often overlooked. Drawing from Jesus’ parable in Matthew 25, we’ll explore how recognizing and stewarding your unique gifts can transform both your life and the lives of others. Whether it’s time, talent, or resources, discover how shifting your perspective from burden to possibility can unlock the joy of meaningful impact.
The Power of Showing Up: Finding Family in an Age of Disconnect
We're more connected than ever, yet loneliness is at an all-time high. We have hundreds of friends online but few people we can call at 2 AM when life falls apart. We're craving real connection, authentic community, and genuine relationships – but we're often too afraid, too busy, or too comfortable in our isolation to do anything about it. It doesn’t have to be this way, though.
Small Choices, Big Impact: How Today's Decisions Shape Tomorrow's Reality
Have you ever looked at your life and wondered, "How did I get here?" Maybe it's a relationship that's drifted far from where you hoped it would be. Or a financial situation that snuck up on you. Or even just daily habits that somehow became your normal without you really choosing them. Life has this interesting way of reflecting back to us the sum of our choices – both big and small.
The Freedom of Owning Your Story: Breaking Free from the Blame Game
It's natural to want to avoid taking responsibility. After all, owning up to our mistakes or shortcomings can feel vulnerable, even scary. What if people think less of us? What if we have to change? What if we face consequences we'd rather avoid?
But here's the plot twist: the very thing we're avoiding – taking responsibility – might be the key to the freedom we're looking for.
When Christmas doesn’t feel Merry: Finding Hope and Healing in Grief During the Holidays
The holiday season is often filled with joy, celebration, and togetherness, but for many, it can also stir deep feelings of loss, sadness, and longing. When you’re grieving the loss of a loved one, the festivities can feel overwhelming—or even unbearable. How do we navigate this season with such a heavy heart? Here are some ways to care for yourself during this challenging season.
When Words Aren't Enough: A Different Way to Show Love
Have you ever had one of those moments when your reaction to something totally caught you off guard? Maybe it was a snippy comment that flew out of your mouth during a stressful meeting, or the way you tensed up when someone cut you off in traffic. Sometimes our most unfiltered moments tell us more about what's really going on in our hearts than all our carefully planned actions ever could.
Here's the thing – we all spend a lot of time thinking about how we present ourselves to the world. We curate our social media, carefully choose our words, and try to put our best foot forward. But it's those unscripted moments, those split-second reactions, that often speak the loudest about who we really are and what we truly believe.
How to Survive the Holidays When Your Family Doesn't Share Your Beliefs.
The holiday season is often seen as a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness. For Christians, it is also a season rich with meaning, as we remember the birth of Christ and His coming to bring peace and hope to the world. Yet, gathering with family during the holidays brings challenges when family members have differing beliefs and values. Conversations can turn tense, creating an atmosphere far removed from the peace that Christmas promises. How can you honor God, love your family well, and stay true to your beliefs without compromising or causing unnecessary conflict? Here are some practical, biblical insights for navigating the holiday season with grace and love.
Breaking Free from the Reaction Trap: A Different Kind of Story
Ever notice how life seems to have a script? Someone cuts you off in traffic – you honk. A coworker takes credit for your work – you call them out. Your teenager rolls their eyes – you lecture. It's like we're all following some unwritten rulebook of how we're "supposed" to react.
But what if there was a different way to tell this story?
How One Response Can Change Everything
Have you ever thrown a stone into a still pond and watched the ripples spread? One small action, dozens of expanding circles. Sometimes our responses to life's challenges work exactly the same way – except the ripples we create can last way longer than those on the water.
Finding Peace in the Storm: When Fear Feels Like Hurricane Season
You know that feeling when the weather alert interrupts your favorite show, warning of another storm heading our way? In Florida, we're no strangers to hurricane prep – the endless lines at grocery stores, the hunt for batteries, the strategic tetris of fitting our patio furniture through the garage door. But sometimes, the scariest part isn't the storm itself – it's the aftermath. Just as Jesus calmed the storm for His disciples, He offers peace in your toughest moments, too. Fear doesn’t have to have the last word. Here at Centerpoint Church, we’re here for you, offering resources, support, and the assurance that no one has to face life’s storms alone.
Becoming a Force for Good in Our Community
Have you ever considered what it truly means for the Church to be a force for good in the world? It’s easy to think of church as just a Sunday gathering or a place to hear a message, but Jesus envisioned something far greater. Over two thousand years ago, He made a bold promise to build His Church—a living, breathing movement that would transform lives and communities. Today, that promise is still alive and well, and as Centerpoint Church, we have a unique opportunity to reimagine our impact and continue the mission Jesus set in motion.
Stepping Into Your Purpose with Boldness
In every season of life, we are faced with choices that shape who we are and where we’re headed. Some choices are simple, like what to eat for breakfast or what show to binge-watch next. But others carry far more weight—they challenge us to consider our purpose, our calling, and how we will contribute to something much larger than ourselves. As followers of Jesus, one of the most significant choices we make is how we engage with the mission of the church.
This isn’t just about attending services or being part of a small group. It’s about reimagining our calling and stepping boldly into our purpose. And yes, there’s a cost to this. But there’s also a greater cost if we don’t step into it. So, the question is: Are we ready to reimagine our calling and take our place in the mission of the church?
How to Have Confidence and Unoffendable Faith
Today, it feels like we're more divided than ever, doesn't it? Everywhere we look, there's conflict and disagreement, whether cultural, political, or personal. But as followers of Jesus, we're called to rise above this division. We're invited to stand confidently in our faith and to love unconditionally, no matter the differences we face. This might sound challenging, but it's exactly what our world needs right now—believers who are unoffendable, who can disagree yet still love deeply.
Church: More Than Just a Sunday Hangout
When you think of church, what comes to mind? Is it a place you drag yourself to on Sunday mornings? Or maybe it’s something you check off your weekly to-do list so your mom will stop asking if you’ve been to church. Well, I’ve got some news for you—church is so much more than that. It’s not just a place you go; it’s a family you belong to. And guess what? You are the church.
Relying on Prayer: Unlock the Power of a Faithful Conversation
Just as our spoken words can influence those around us, our prayers hold the potential to transform our lives and circumstances. James 5:16 tells us that prayer is powerful, yet, how often do we turn to prayer as our last resort rather than our first response? When faced with difficult circumstances, bad decisions, or even moments of joy, our immediate reaction should be to pray.
WIll you use your words to tear down, or build up?
We’ve all heard the saying that actions speak louder than words. But the truth is, the words we’ve heard have shaped us, and the words we speak have the power to shape others. Some words weigh more than others, carrying the power to build up or tear down, to inspire or destroy. Understanding the significance of our words is crucial for anyone striving to live a life aligned with God's purpose.
Trusting God with Our Anxiety: Psalm 112
In the midst of life's uncertainties and challenges, anxiety can often grip our hearts and minds, threatening to overwhelm us. As followers of Jesus, we are called to trust in God's faithfulness and provision, even in the face of anxiety. Psalm 112 reminds us of the power of trusting God amidst our fears.
Under The Circumstances: Are You Being Honest?
In the middle of life’s difficulties, it's natural to feel a whirlwind of emotions. From frustration to anger, from disappointment to sorrow, our hearts can be overwhelmed by the weight of unmet expectations and unanswered prayers. Did you know though, in the midst of our raw and honest feelings, there is a gentle reassurance. Jesus affirms our emotions without condemnation.
Can God Understand Our Pain?
In the moment we are living through our deepest pain, it's natural to question whether God truly understands the extent of our suffering. Can God really understand our pain? As we wrestle with circumstances that seem unbearable, doubts about God's understanding and empathy may creep in, casting shadows on our faith.